Laser Hair Removal: Things to Expect Before, During and After the procedure


Laser Hair Removal: Things to Expect Before, During and After the procedure
Laser Hair Removal: Things to Expect Before, During and After the procedure

“Life is way too short to spend another day at war with your Body Hair! “

Can’t wear your favorite Little black dress for the event because you missed the waxing session at parlor? Are you fed up with the whole procedure of waxing and the pain involved? This is when Laser Hair Removal comes to your rescue. For people who are unhappy with shaving, waxing or tweezing for unwanted hair removal, Laser Hair removal treatment seems an ideal choice as it provides long-lasting and hassle-free results.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

It is the process of hair removal in which body hair is removed by destroying the hair follicles under exposure to pulses of laser light. After being performed experimentally for about 20 years it became commercially available in 1995 and 1996. Under this treatment, lasers damage the roots of the hair because they absorb the laser light transforming into heat energy, destroying the hair follicle and further stopping the hair growth. Before going for the treatment, it is very important to know more about the things to consider before, during and after the therapy to ensure you get the best and safest results.


Things to know before Laser Hair Removal

  1. The area which is to be treated must be shaved properly to remove all visible external hair from the surface area as it helps the laser light to target hair follicles accurately and helps in reducing the risk of sunburns.

  2. 2-3 weeks before the treatment, you need to protect your skin from direct sun exposure.

  3. 1-2 weeks before the treatment, avoid applying any type of tanning product on the skin.

  4. Avoid any kind of chemical peel or any other laser treatment.

  5. 7 days before the therapy, stop applying night creams and other creams.

  6. Avoid performing any kind of physical activity within 2 hours prior to the treatment to avoid increasing body temperature.

Things to know during Laser Hair Removal

  1. The type of laser frequency used for the treatment is determined by thoroughly studying the patient’s skin, target area and hair type.

  2. During the treatment, a numbing cream is applied to the target area and the laser is slightly moved over it. In rarest cases, a slight discomfort can be felt by the patient. A cooling gel is applied to manage the irritation.

  3. The patient must wear protective eyewear to protect the eyes from any laser damage.

Things to know After Laser Hair Removal

  1. It is advised to apply ice after the treatment to help manage redness and pain that might occur after the treatment.

  2. The patients are also provided topical creams and aloe gel to manage any sort of swelling or bumps.

  3. The hair starts falling out and shed from the skin after 6-14 days post the treatment.

  4. Apply antibiotic ointment if any blister formation takes place. Avoid puncturing them.

  5. The treated area should not be exposed to the sun for 7 days post-treatment

  6. To achieve the best results, multiple sessions are recommended.

One thing which is very important to expect from Laser Hair Removal Treatment is that one can get long term hair reduction as no laser claims 100% hair removal. This is so because, with changes in the body, some hair may always grow back. Hair Regrowth may also be affected by hormonal changes and many other biological factors, which may vary from person to person. So one must always have realistic expectations from the therapy.

To know more about the full-body laser hair removal, do visit Skin Decor (Skin, Laser & Hair clinic) located in Dwarka, New Delhi where Dr Monica Chahar (MD, Dermatology) offers her signature treatment Soprano Laser Hair Removal which is an internationally renowned safe and painless laser hair removal system. This treatment is for both men and women and reduces the risk of ingrown hair and skin damage.

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